In this day and age, we all know how important it is to be able to communicate with one another. With that in mind, we have made several ways available to contact us. Whether it's by Snail-Mail, E-mail (Phone or Text for I.H.M. members), we're here for you.

So if you, or someone you know needs a little help with something, has a prayer request, or simply has a question or two, please let us know. We would be honored to hear from you. If nothing else, we can at least pray for you and yours - and we all know how powerful prayer is.




P.O. Box 1408
Orangevale, CA 95662




P.O. Box 11664
Lynchburg, VA 24506


Other Contacts

In an effort to serve you better, an E-mail link has been placed on the bottom of most every page on this website, as well as here. In addition, to serve you in a deeper way, we have made available here, a Prayer Request link, which goes directly to our Board of Directors, which is then discreetly passed on to the general membership in their region. That way, the entire ministry will be praying for you. And once again, we all know how powerful prayer is. Right?




Ministry Links

The buttons below were placed here for your convenience as well. Both the Biker-Friendly Church Network and the Bibles-4-Bikers outreaches, can help give everyone an opportunity to be part of what this ministry is called to do - build bridges to Christ. And how cool is that.


As we all know, money can be a huge issue in our lives. It's something we all struggle with from time to time. Even if you're financially blessed, you still need to be a good steward of the money you've been entrusted with. To that, we believe that one of the best ways to honor God for what you've been given, is to invest the money into God's work - through tithes and offerings.

So, just to be sure that everyone is on the same page, we need to answer a very important question: What is the difference between a tithe and an offering? The simple answer is: A 'tithe' is a tenth of a specified thing. In this case, it is 10% of any money that comes into your possession. And an 'offering', is anything that you give beyond the tithe.

Now, according to scripture, the tithe is to be joyfully given to the local "storehouse" (your church), as a "first fruits" (before taxes) offering, to honor God for His great provision, and to also help provide for your church's community outreach ministries (Malachi 3:8-10).

In other words, after you have first tithed and then paid all of your monthly expenses, then you can use any extra money in your budget (as God leads), to share His blessing with others - as an offering. This can include giving a cash offering to your church (above and beyond your tithe); giving money to a charity or ministry you support; giving to a friend or missionary in need; and/or giving of your time and skills by volunteering (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). Any and all of these things are very important, in helping to grow the Kingdom of God, here on earth.

So, you may be asking yourself: "How would a donation to Iron Horse Ministries be handled?" To answer the question, let's begin with the fact that because there are no membership dues or initiation fees, this totally non-profit (501.c3) ministry, depends entirely upon the prayerful freewill love offerings of its membership; as well as from those who are not members, but share in the vision of this ministry - whether they ride a motorcycle or not. As such, all donations made to Iron Horse Ministries are gratefully and prayerfully handled with the greatest of care. In fact, we consider every donation a gift of love, and an investment in this ministry.

To further answer the question, because of this ministry's non-profit status, a small portion of the funds are used for annual filing fees with the government. There are also annual fees to help keep our web sites, etc., up on the Internet. The rest of the funds are used for the tools that are needed out in the field, such as patches, prayer pins, business cards, etc.

Please note:

We need to pause here for a brief moment, to mention that Iron Horse Ministries has no paid staff - never has, never will. This is important. It confirms that every non-designated donation made to this ministry, goes only towards the things that are needed (as mentioned earlier).

Finally, for your knowledge and edification, Iron Horse Ministries also tithes all donations that are not specifically designated, to help other ministries spread the Gospel both in the U.S., and throughout the world. To God be the glory.

With all of that having been said, if you feel that God is whispering to your heart to make a donation, then we encourage you to succumb to His leading; taking a moment to invest in the work of this ministry. All you need to do is just click on one of the buttons below, and follow the instructions.

By the way, we feel that it is important for you to know, that after much prayer and deliberation, God has made it clear to us, that we are to make both PayPal and Venmo available to everyone at this time. That's because they are some of the most secure means of electronically transacting money, anywhere in the world. Once again, to Him be all honor and glory.

Now, before we go, we want to take a moment here to thank you from the bottom of OUR hearts, for YOUR great and considerate heart. May our wonderful God (Jehovah-Jireh), continue to richly bless you. And may all that overflows, be a blessing to countless others. To God be the glory - for ever and ever. Amen.

Make a Donation

Make a Donation

How May We Serve You?

Low on food - We can help you.
Need someone to talk to - We can listen to you.
Lost a loved one - We can be there with you.
Feeling somewhat lost - We can help find a direction.
Feeling a bit hopeless - We can help you find hope.
Sick and tired, of being sick and tired - We can show you WHO can make you well.
Jesus said, "Come to Me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
If there is a need in your life - Please, contact us.


Please Note:

communications are always handled confidentially - with the utmost discretion and respect.



Finally, we would like to take a moment here to say, thank you so very much for stopping by. We are truly honored that you have. We also hope that you have enjoyed the ride, and that you have discovered many things, as you traveled through this site.

However, before you leave us, could you do us a HUGE favor? Would you please go back to the very first page (linked as "HOME" below), and "Bookmark" or "Favorites" the linked page onto your web browser?

The reason why we would like you to do this for us, is so that the next time you are on your browser looking for something else, and you happen to see Iron Horse Ministries drop down; then (as a 'prayer reminder'), you would take a moment and pray for this ministry, and for all of those who serve at the pleasure of the King through it. You just never know what might be happening at that very moment. Which in part, is why we rely so heavily on your prayers.

We thank you again so very much, and may God richly bless you as you faithfully pray for us. See you in the wind!

To God Be The Glory

For Ever And Ever,
